Thursday, August 31, 2006

How to Turn a Friend into a Lover?


When two people are in a relationship, they need to share a certain level of compatibility that extends beyond the bedroom. Besides getting along as lovers, they need to be friends, in order to share each other's joy and sorrow and be on the same wavelength, mentally and emotionally. Friends, who are close to each other, tend to have that kind of emotional and mental connection, which is why the friendship is shared in the first place. Imagine if you could find that kind of compatibility in a lover as well! Read on for tips how to turn a friend into a lover:

Remind them of what they like

If you have a male friend, who have hinted in the past about what he likes in you - certain physical or emotional characterstics that you possess - learn to highlight those features. Just don't go overboard.

Remember, that when you were friends, how you looked or felt didn't matter because he would love you nonetheless. But, when it comes to love, you need to present yourself in a way that will make him notice.

Change the talk

When people are friends they tend to talk about everything under the sun, from common interests or each other's love interests! If you want this person to relate to you on a more intimate level as well. You could try flirting verbally.

Create the ambience

Instead of going with him to a ususal hangout like a movie or a coffee shop, you could change the venue to a more private and romantic setting.

Change your attitude

If this person is already your friend, he will know how you behave around someone you have more than platonic feelings for. The next time you meet him, start behaving with them the way you would around someone you like.

Body language

This is one of the most powerful tools to hint to people how you feel. The body language that two friends share is very different. All you have to do is change the way you touch your friend and if he has half a brain, he'll get the hint.

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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Friendship And Love

Find your special someone

Friendship and love. Both are so much related to each other. And both are so dissimilar! What are the differences between friendship and love? Is platonic friendship possible between persons of opposite sex? Let us try and understand.

What is friendship? Why do we call a person our friend? When do we call someone a very good friend? If we care for a person, if we are always ready to help that person and if we share most of our thoughts with a person, they are our good friends. We can always count upon our good friends in an emergency. We are always sure that our friend will understand why we acted in a certain way. We need not explain anything to our very good friends. The friendship is so deep and the relationship is so intimate, that most of the things are automatically understood by our friends.

What about love? In a relationship of deep love, all the sharing that we discussed above are taken for granted. But love transcends all this. During love, we are attached with a particular person, while in friendship, one may have many friends. A loving relationship makes one so much attached to the other, that one gets pained if his/her beloved is hurt! Love also involves a physical element. Friendship does not have that. This is a vital difference. Nature gives us love so that the specie can go forward. Nature does not give us friendship.

Your heart beats will never increase in anticipation of meeting your friend. You will not lie awake at night thinking about your friend. You will not feel totally lost, if you don't meet your friend for a few days. You will not have dreams in your eyes thinking about your friend. But in love, you will do all this and much more. Indeed, there is no comparison between love and friendship.

Take a look at some ecards made for friends and for your beloved. The difference will be apparent. Friendship eCards,Love eCards

As said earlier in the discussion, love goes much beyond friendship. Love begins, where friendship ends.

About the writer:C.D.Mohatta is a content writer for . He writes for ecards & greetings, screensavers and wallpapers.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Are You Too Busy For Friends?

If you currently feel that you don't have enough friends in your life, one reason may be that you have let yourself become too busy to make time for the relationships you already have.

Nurturing and maintaining friendships requires effort and commitment. Many of us let our lives become so busy with work and other commitments that we don't get around to scheduling time for pleasure and renewal with the friends, relatives and acquaintances we already have.

If you make an effort to call your friends more regularly, see them more often, and to accept more of the invitations you receive from others, can improve your social life in a hurry!

Are there any people you could call right now and be assured of a pleasant welcome? Are these people that you could count on to help you in a crisis? Can you have close talks with them? Do you have fun when you are together? Are you happy to have them in your life?

If you haven't seen much of your friends lately, is it because you have become too busy? Have you grown apart? Was there an argument?

If the main reason you haven't been getting together with the people you already know is because you have gotten too busy, take a good look at how you spend your time.

Think for a few moments about your real values and priorities in life. Is your hectic lifestyle really bringing you the quality of life that you want?

If you have become too busy for friends, why has this happened? Are you pursuing material toys in your life at the expense of relationships with other human beings?

Have you allowed your time to be over-committed because you never say "No" to anyone? Do you insist on doing things yourself that could be delegated to others? If so, why? Do you believe that everything depends on you?

Examine whether the way you are currently spending your time accurately reflects your deepest values and priorities. Make sure that you schedule adequate time for the things that are truly most important to you.

If you really want to keep friends in your life, make a space in your schedule, and a space in your heart for them.

About The Author

This article is written by Royane Real who is the author of "How You Can Have All the Friends You Want Your Complete Guide to Finding Friends, Making Friends, and Keeping Friends" To improve your social life, download it today at

Books help children join hands with another generation (The Plain Dealer)The little girl next door stopped to watch me gardening last week.

Art Galleries (Palo Alto Weekly)"Journeys" Construction, paintings and mixed media collages by Gerald Huth. On display June 22-Aug. 6; reception June 25, 4-6 p.m. Hours: Thu.-Sun., 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free to Public.

What colour is the most sexually attractive? (The Register)Raunchy red or bold black? Also in this week's column:??

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Introducing Your Friends To Your Partner - Who To Avoid And Who To Show Off

You have been dating for a few weeks and everything is going great. You have a lot of things in common and you can't wait to show her off to all your friends. But wait before you invite her to poker night, take a minute and think about it. Your buddies are great, but what kind of message are they sending to your respective partner? Take out a pen and paper and start jotting down the names of all your friends. Then go through the following list to find out who to invite and who to give a rain check for another day.

The College Buddy- He has been there for you since freshman year. He was with you at every frat party and every early morning class. He remembers every girlfriend and every fling you ever had. Beware of introducing him to your girlfriend however, the last thing that either of you wants is to be reminded of your assorted list of girlfriends and one night stands. Save the meeting for another day.

Your Roommate- The two of you share a bathroom and a fridge together, and probably a lot more. He understands your quirks. He will probably be the first to admit that your feet smell and you can't cook anything but pizza and cereal. This buddy should be invited to your initial meet the friends' party however. He will no doubt be around when you bring her home, so it is a good idea to get this meeting out of the way early on. You can pick the date and gain a little control over the situation. Nobody likes to meet someone for the first time when they are in the shower or some other equally embarrassing situation.

Your Married Friends- You had to sit through their four hour wedding, so now its payback time. They all have houses, wives, and maybe even a few kids. You normally see them at backyard cookouts and other get-togethers. They are probably a little more stable than your single friends and understand women a little better (at least we hope). For this reason, I would highly recommend inviting them to meet your new girl. It will help her see that you are capable of settling down. If they have some pictures of you playing water tag with the kids at the last party, you get bonus points.

With a little bit of planning you can make the meeting great for everybody involved. Pick a nice public place which will make everyone feel more comfortable. Good luck and relax, you will do great and your friends will love her!

About The Author

Kimberly Webb writes for - Speed Dating Information, Articles, Reviews and Links to the best Speed Dating Sites on the Internet and the DrDating Forum – a forum for people looking for help in love, relationships and dating.

Got 48 hours? Then try this film project (Louisville Courier-Journal)If you can make a short film in just 48 hours, you can watch it 48 hours later with an audience at the Village 8 Theatres. "The 48 Hour Film Project" ? originated by Washington, D.C., filmmaker Mark Ruppert ? has added Louisville to the project's list of U.S. cities (plus Paris, France and Brisbane, Australia) that will be participating in this summer's competition.

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Bail set at $1million for MSU athletes accused in murder probe (Billings Gazette)BOZEMAN -- Bail was set at $1 million Friday for a former Montana State University football player charged with murdering a suspected cocaine dealer. John LeBrum is charged with murder in the death of Jason Cody Wright, 26. ...

Monday, July 03, 2006

Losing Friends Is Careless!

By: Past Information
There's a communications frenzy going on across the world. Mobile phones let us talk whenever we want to, wherever we are; email gives us instant access to friends and family and instant messaging allows us to have virtual conversations across the miles. How is it then, that we still manage to lose touch with the people who matter to us?

1. We're moving on

More than ever before, we're leaving our home towns and even our countries to seek out exciting and rewarding opportunities elsewhere. Fewer and fewer of us grow old in the place where we grew up. We move on to new jobs, new partners, new homes and new lives. We extend our social circle so that it becomes almost physically impossible to keep in touch with everyone we meet. Email helps us to maintain relationships, but there's still no real substitute for a good long chat on the phone but the more we move, the more likely we are to change our numbers and lose our friends.

2. We're taking control

Consumer power is growing. That means that we're far more willing than we used to be to change our phone provider, our electricity supplier and our internet connection. Changing numbers and addresses on a regular basis often results in someone not being aware of your new number or your new email and bang! You've lost touch. Our lives are busy and it's easy to leave people behind. If you're the sort of person that religiously files new address cards so that you are up-to-date with your friends movements, that's great. If you're not quite so organised, it can be easy to lose those new details and be stuck the next time you want to get in touch.

3. Don't be careless, be clever!

There are ways that you can get back in touch with friends who you haven't had contact with for a while. School and College reunion boards on the internet are great ways to keep in touch, but new online resources are allowing you to search for and be found by old friends and extended family. Use these resources to record your old phone numbers and then your friends can find you just by typing in the number they have for you. It's a service that will bring thousands of people together again.

About the Author:

Past Information specialises in finding old phone numbers, email addresses and mobile numbers. For more information, visit their website by clicking Find A Phone Number.

Here's a red-hot tip - let race riders bet (Sydney Morning Herald)WOULDN'T it be funny if jockeys were allowed to bet? It might make things a whole lot easier. Currently, Racing NSW stewards are holding inquiries into the merits of three recent races.

Man Tries to Lure Make Believe Teen Via MySpace (KGBT 4 Rio Grande Valley)Michelle is a young Valley girl who turned 15 on Monday. She's often alone, because both of her parents work. She also doesn't exist. Action 4 News created her profile on MySpace to see if any older men would contact her. They did, with graphic language we'll show you later.

Friday, June 30, 2006

Turning Strangers Into Friends : 100% FREE Dating

by: Royane Real
Do you find it easy to make conversation with new people you’ve just met? Or does the thought of trying to make conversation with someone new make you break out in a cold sweat?

If you don’t feel comfortable making casual conversation with new people you have just met, you will find it harder to make new friends. You will also find it more difficult to fit in at your work place.

One of the most common reasons that people have difficulty making conversation with someone they don’t know very well is because they put too much pressure on themselves.

Many people think that whenever they meet someone new, they have to say something really interesting and brilliant, right from the beginning. Even before they know the other person very well. They think they have to really put up a great performance to impress the other person.

They don’t just let themselves just be ordinary, and talk about fairly ordinary things.

Here’s a very important lesson to learn about making conversation with people: Insisting to yourself that you have to be brilliant and dazzling in all your conversations will not win you new friends. It will not even improve your conversational performance.

When you think to yourself that you have to perform perfectly in all your conversations, you will actually make your performance worse! You will become too nervous and awkward, and you’ll be too focused on your own performance. You won’t be focused on getting to know the new person you’ve just met.

New people that you meet are not looking for brilliant conversation. What they are looking for is someone who will be comfortable to be with, and fun to talk to. But most of all they are looking for someone who seems interested in them!

For conversational success, it’s more important to be a good listener than to be a great talker.

When you are just starting out talking to a person, you can use your immediate surroundings or the weather as a basis for a few starting remarks.

If you want to know that person better, move on quickly to a slightly more personal level of discussion. Ask a few basic questions and offer a little bit of information about yourself, your likes or dislikes, or your opinion on some neutral topic. Notice whether the other person lights up with interest about any topics you mention.

This can give you new interesting areas for both of you to discuss.

Even if it seems somewhat difficult and awkward for you in the beginning, develop the habit of introducing yourself to others as soon as you meet them, or very early in the conversation. Otherwise you could spend hours talking and neither of you will have any idea of what your conversation partner’s name is.

Socially confident people introduce themselves to their conversation partners very early in the course of conversation. People who are shy or socially awkward tend to introduce themselves much later, or not at all. Shy people often wait until someone asks for their name, but they rarely volunteer to give it, and they rarely ask the other person what their name is.

Sometimes it is easier to ask the other person for their name first, and then offer your own. If you practice the new behavior enough times, it will eventually become second nature to you. With enough practice, it will no longer seem intimidating to take a more active role.

The important thing is simply to develop the habit of starting simple little conversations with lots more people. Look for the interests you have in common.

If you want to be more socially successful, take the initiative to introduce yourself to new people and to get the conversational ball rolling. Don’t hold back and let other people make all the first moves. If you have been holding back, waiting for other people to do all the work in the relationship, you are shirking your responsibility in making the relationship move forward.

Show interest in other people. Smile. Listen. Look at the person you’re talking with.

Whenever you start talking to new people, don’t strive for great dialogue, or the perfect opening lines. Just get started, and keep on talking. Practice making conversations with a lot of new people. You will eventually get better at it.

Don’t decide that you’re a failure if the encounter doesn’t turn into a great friendship. After all, the truth is that the majority of conversations between new people don’t really go anywhere. That’s all right. It takes time and effort to turn casual strangers into friends.

Remember, that all of the friends you already have were strangers to you at one point in your life. Until you started talking and found out what you have in common.

Learning how to make conversation with people you don’t know well can be the first step in making many new friends.

About The Author

This article was written by conversation expert Royane Real. Do you want more tips on how to improve your conversation skills to make new friends? Download the special report "Your Guide to Making Friendly Conversation" at

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Headlines for June 23, 2006 (Drummer)The number of sales of alcohol to underage buyers has been on the rise among businesses in Wright County, according to Wright County Public Health. During recent compliance checks, 106 establishments were checked and 22 of them made sales to underage buyers.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Simple Secret to Making More Friends! - The Ultimate Singles Resource!

by: Royane Real
When you meet new people for the first time, do you usually like most of the new people that you meet?

Or do you find that you usually dislike new people, unless they can eventually prove after a long time that they deserve your friendship?

Perhaps you have never thought about this before. And you may even wonder if it's really important. Does it really matter very much if you like most people when you first meet them, or if you decide to like them much later, after you get to know them better?

Your attitude to the new people you encounter will actually have a big impact on the number of friends you make, and the social life you enjoy.

Why? Because the attitude you have when you first meet somebody will affect the way that you treat those people, and the impression you make on them.

When you have the attitude of liking someone you have just met, they will feel pleased to know you and will want to know you better. They will probably sense that you like them, and they will be more inclined to judge you in a kind and positive way.

If you like most of the people you encounter, you will have a far larger group of people in your friendship pool. When you genuinely like other people, they will be much more inclined to like you back.

On the other hand, when you don't like people when you meet them, they will feel uncomfortable in your presence and will want to avoid you. They may sense that you don't like them. They may even decide to dislike you in return. Every person that you dislike will automatically be excluded from the pool of people who can become your friends.

When you don't like the majority of people that you meet, your friendship pool for making friends is much smaller.

If there is one secret to having friends, it's a simple one, and here it is: Like Other People!

If you dislike almost everyone you meet, how many friends do you think you will make with this attitude? Very few of us want to get closer to a person when we sense that he doesn't like us.

If you usually operate with a big long mental list of reasons to reject others, you will assume that other people are also deciding to reject you. If you routinely dislike other people because you are looking for their flaws, you won't believe that others can really like you. When you reject other people for trivial reasons, you will also assume that others will reject you for trivial reasons.

This negative attitude will make you very suspicious when you encounter others, since you will be anticipating rejection from other people at any moment.

Wouldn't it be easier and more effective to give everyone a break?

When you meet other people, give other people a break, and give yourself a break too.

When you meet people for the first time, start out with the assumption that most people you encounter are nice human beings and worthy of your friendship. You can choose to believe that just about everybody you meet actually likes you, and that you like most other people. People who are very socially confident and have a lot of friends tend to have this attitude.

If this hasn't been your attitude so far, you can work to change it.

How can you change this?

Whenever you meet someone new, actively look for things to like in that person. Look for their interesting and unique qualities. Suspend your need to judge and analyze others, and simply meet them as ordinary human beings who are struggling and evolving, and making their way through life, just like you. Find things that you like about each person, and let yourself feel that you actually like them.

You will find that when your attitude changes, the world will become a friendlier place, because you have become a friendlier person.

About The Author

This article is written by Royane Real, author of "How You Can Have All the Friends You Want " Your Complete Guide to Finding Friends, Making Friends, and Keeping Friends If you want to improve your social life, download it today at

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RJ Eskow: Friends Don't Let Friends Work For Hillary (HuffingtonPost)Or do they? Peter Daou is an extremely talented guy and a fine human being. On a personal level, I wish him all the best in his new position as Hillary Clinton's netroots consultant. On a political level, I feel obliged to do my best to ensure that he doesn't succeed. Politics is politics, and friendship is friendship. Recent history notwithstanding, I'm hoping they can co-exist. Peter and I