Thursday, August 31, 2006

How to Turn a Friend into a Lover?


When two people are in a relationship, they need to share a certain level of compatibility that extends beyond the bedroom. Besides getting along as lovers, they need to be friends, in order to share each other's joy and sorrow and be on the same wavelength, mentally and emotionally. Friends, who are close to each other, tend to have that kind of emotional and mental connection, which is why the friendship is shared in the first place. Imagine if you could find that kind of compatibility in a lover as well! Read on for tips how to turn a friend into a lover:

Remind them of what they like

If you have a male friend, who have hinted in the past about what he likes in you - certain physical or emotional characterstics that you possess - learn to highlight those features. Just don't go overboard.

Remember, that when you were friends, how you looked or felt didn't matter because he would love you nonetheless. But, when it comes to love, you need to present yourself in a way that will make him notice.

Change the talk

When people are friends they tend to talk about everything under the sun, from common interests or each other's love interests! If you want this person to relate to you on a more intimate level as well. You could try flirting verbally.

Create the ambience

Instead of going with him to a ususal hangout like a movie or a coffee shop, you could change the venue to a more private and romantic setting.

Change your attitude

If this person is already your friend, he will know how you behave around someone you have more than platonic feelings for. The next time you meet him, start behaving with them the way you would around someone you like.

Body language

This is one of the most powerful tools to hint to people how you feel. The body language that two friends share is very different. All you have to do is change the way you touch your friend and if he has half a brain, he'll get the hint.

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Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Friendship And Love

Find your special someone

Friendship and love. Both are so much related to each other. And both are so dissimilar! What are the differences between friendship and love? Is platonic friendship possible between persons of opposite sex? Let us try and understand.

What is friendship? Why do we call a person our friend? When do we call someone a very good friend? If we care for a person, if we are always ready to help that person and if we share most of our thoughts with a person, they are our good friends. We can always count upon our good friends in an emergency. We are always sure that our friend will understand why we acted in a certain way. We need not explain anything to our very good friends. The friendship is so deep and the relationship is so intimate, that most of the things are automatically understood by our friends.

What about love? In a relationship of deep love, all the sharing that we discussed above are taken for granted. But love transcends all this. During love, we are attached with a particular person, while in friendship, one may have many friends. A loving relationship makes one so much attached to the other, that one gets pained if his/her beloved is hurt! Love also involves a physical element. Friendship does not have that. This is a vital difference. Nature gives us love so that the specie can go forward. Nature does not give us friendship.

Your heart beats will never increase in anticipation of meeting your friend. You will not lie awake at night thinking about your friend. You will not feel totally lost, if you don't meet your friend for a few days. You will not have dreams in your eyes thinking about your friend. But in love, you will do all this and much more. Indeed, there is no comparison between love and friendship.

Take a look at some ecards made for friends and for your beloved. The difference will be apparent. Friendship eCards,Love eCards

As said earlier in the discussion, love goes much beyond friendship. Love begins, where friendship ends.

About the writer:C.D.Mohatta is a content writer for . He writes for ecards & greetings, screensavers and wallpapers.